Music Production & Management

Shadow film and television directors and assist with writing and production.
Internships may include the opportunity to do research, contribute story ideas, and possibly even have your articles published either online or in print publications.
For this internship, you need to have good writing skills and good knowledge of English language. Your initiative to go out in the field and cover various story topics will be highly appreciated.
An internship in Journalism offers great opportunity for participants to follow up with some real life stories and culture of India. A country with fastest growing economy still follows various cultural and religious practices, India is truly a country of contrasts, come and experience this fascinating journey of contrasts and gain valuable work experience at the same time.

Intern’s Role and Tasks:

  1. Assisting in editorial department
  2. Covering stories and various topics for journal/ magazine
  3. Do research work on  particular topic, being covered in future publications
  4. Get involved in photography sessions for the current ongoing theme in the publication.
  5. Covering various events, functions and important conferences for writing reports and reviews.

Salary: Unpaid

Interested in this Internship: Please send us your CV/Resume to We will soon contact you.